Monday, October 17, 2011

GGgirl Tees, VOTE!

So, group t-shirts anyone? They'll be like $20 bucks and the website will be on the back. Tell us which one you like better! Art by dieowynn.

GGg Tee 1

GGg Tee 2

Also, AsiansAreFierce has opened a new blog at , since hers was unduly removed by Blogger.  xBoatsAndHoesx is back baby! (Lots of Dunkey references to come.)

So Vote! And visit xBoatsAndHoesx!

Love, GGgirl Amava

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Happy Summer 2011 ♥ ♥ 

♥ ♥ ♥  From the team at GGgirls!!!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Day 2- A Picture of your Most Used Champion

You know...these "days" are subjective and there was never a specification that the days had to follow each other. SO HOORAY for the seemingly random LoL challenge!! WHOOOO! Except for Asians are Fierce who is awesome and actually doing it everyday.

Asians Are Fierce:

So Swain is obviously my most used champion. But because I don't want to put his picture up twice and since I've recently been spamming Miss Fortune, I will deem her as my most used champion.


I've been spamming the hell out of Irelia recently. 


Hmm, I duno. She goes through stages like I do (Dieowynn).  I would say Mord again but ehhh, so hard to tell. AMAVA! Edit yourself in again xD

------------------------------ Edit by Amava -----------------------------

Yes! Morde. Of course Mordekaiser. He's my first and ONLY option for any ranked games. For normal games, I pretty much play anyone I feel like atm. Warwick, Akali, and Dr. Mundo have interested me lately... but I still play Morde the most. Yeeeeh.

BTW shout out to EmmaFrost12, my sister, who finally made a LoL account and plays MF!!

Monday, May 30, 2011

New Look

New banner and new background! It doesn't bother me anymore! YAYAY! Maybe now I'll post more xD

Hmm, currently working on making profiles/bios for each of the gggirls along with a character sketch! I expect to have that done before the summer is over.

That's all for now!


Sunday, May 29, 2011

Day 1 - A Picture of your Favorite Champion

Asians Are Fierce

Day 1- A Picture of your Favorite Champion
Love ya, gramps.
Love ya, gramps.


and also my desktop background.


IDK!!! MORD? AKALI? WHO?!?!?!?!
AMAVA!! Go edit yourself in. xD 
Hahaha. That's pretty hard. Amumu is the cutest and I love him. But if I'm going to pick a champ in ranked, it's gotta be Morde lol.


30 Day League of Legends Challenge

Day 1- A Picture of your Favorite Champion

Day 2- A Picture of your Most Used Champion

Day 3- A Picture of your Least Favorite Champion

Day 4- A Picture of your Favorite Tank

Day 5- A Picture of your Favorite AP Champion

Day 6- A Picture of your Favorite Jungler

Day 7- A Picture of your Favorite Carry

Day 8- A Picture of your Favorite Support Champion

Day 9- A Picture of your Most Recent Game Stats

Day 10- A Picture of the Skins you Own

Day 11- A Picture of Your Favorite Skin in the Game

Day 12- A Picture of Your Least Favorite Skin in the Game

Day 13- A Picture of a Champion you’ve Never Played

Day 14- A Picture of a Champion you HATE Playing With on a Team

Day 15- A Picture of a Champion you LOVE Having on your Team

Day 16- A Picture of a custom skin you Love

Day 17- A Picture of the Champion you Think has the Best Quote and the Quote you Love

Day 18- A Picture of a Champion Combination that you think is Awesome

Day 19- A Picture of a Champion Combination that should Never Happen

Day 20- A Picture of a Champion you find Over Powered

Day 21- A Picture of a champion that you Think should get Buffed

Day 22- A Picture of your Favorite New Champion

Day 23- A Picture of your Favorite Ability in the Game

Day 24- A Picture of a Chinese skin that you find Better than the American

Day 25- A Picture of your Favorite Chinese Skin

Day 26- A Picture of your Favorite Building in the Game

Day 27- A Picture of your Favorite Minion.

Day 28- A Picture of Your Favorite Item

Day 29- A Picture of a Champion you’d spend money(RP) on

Day 30- A Picture of Your Favorite Spell

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

April Update

By banning myself from LoL for a week, I have allowed myself time to work on this blog. Starcraft II, Season II is up though, and I think it's time for me to finish the campaign and finally get ranked. Can't wait for bottom of bronze. 

So yeah what's up in April? Well it was 83 degrees yesterday, which was amazing, so we got to play LoL outside. Stevens IT also held the Castle Point Anime Convention: my favorite cosplays were people who had props bigger than themselves.  

I went to this segment about Japanese Ball-Jointed Dolls and met some enthusiasts. I found out that the dolls are handmade, posable, (SERIAL COMMA) and highly customizable. I thought they were gorgeous; however, they're also priced around $600 for the dolls alone, never mind their wardrobe. So yeah, I was satisfied with a picture.

There were also a lot of pretty good group cosplays; here we have Gurren Lagann, Final Fantasy, and Naruto.

That's all I have from the Castle Point Convention, but I'm going to another one at Rochester IT next weekend called Tora-con... we're going to dress up this time! It should be lots of fun. 

Anyways, I know we haven't updated in a while. But when we found out that some people are actually expecting us to, we were all guilted into posting ^-^. So I was checking my fellow GGgirls' blogs, and when trying to read AsiansAreFierce's new post, I was redirected to this cautionary message: 

She's awesome btw, but I thought this was hilarious. So kids, if you are just dying to read what my dear friend has to say, feel free to enter, but at your own risk. And don't repeat the things she says at home. 
Happy Gaming!

Until next time,
GGg Amava

Thursday, February 24, 2011


So we are finally up and running....

Up and running meaning that I finally got off my lazy ass and finished the banner.  It's okay, I guess.  It will probably be changed soon, but that doesn't matter because at least we are no longer a black background!!!!

GGgirls has officially started.
